
Contrast/Comparison paragraph by Anna Tretyak

When people intend to write a text, first of all they have to decide, whether to write poetry or prose. Each of these types of literature has own particular qualities. Poetry is a text that has to be organized according to its genre. It has strong rhythmic structure, and often rhyme is expected. Because of that it is hard to write a good poetry. But poetry is a closest way to the reader. The rhythmic and rhyme help to make impression that is important in literature. Unlike poetry, prose is easier to write, because it is closer to everyday speech. It is no need to discover an extraordinary rhyme. However, it is also the reason why the impression made by prose is weaker. The author of that type of literature has to invent some unexpected turns in plot in order to impress the reader. But both prose and poetry are good ways to express somebody thoughts in written form.

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