
Comparison-contrast paragraph by Nadya Kayun

Kayun Nadya

Today very important methods in the regulation of effective using the natural resources are holding the ecological examination and ecological monitoring. The goal of these two forms of activities is to improve the environmental condition. But there are some differences between their goals, ecoexamanation is directed to the prevention, prediction and valuation of the negative influence on the environment from separate dangerous objects and types of activities. In contrast ecomonitoring with the help of informative means secures the valuation and prediction of the environment condition. In spite of these differences subjects of the ecological examination and ecological monitoring are similar. They are ministries executive agencies, public associations and other organizations which can get necessary information and make appropriate decisions concerning the betterment of the ecological situation. From the other hand objects of these forms of the environmental control are absolutely different. Although ecological examination makes the research of the legislative regulatory and legal acts, project materials conformity with the creation of new technologies, technical documentation, if the realization of these projects can cause negative consequences for the environment, ecological monitoring envelopes the territories of the separate regions in Ukraine, big river basins, industrial-urban and industrial-economical regions. So it is well worth to make a conclusion that both forms of scientific activity are important for the accordance with the standards of the environmental protection but ecomonitoring has more global character and ecoexamination is on the local level.

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