
Paragraphs by Fedir Baior

A-C-R paragraph

Every organization has two types of workers: executors and managers. There is a very peculiar situation in the health care area concerning misunderstanding of a role of a manager by doctors. Executors fulfill special type of work in concrete field of activity. As an example, in health care a physician as an executor does a different manipulation treatment. And it is thought that doctors know all that they need to do. However, as practice shows, doctors are interested only in cure, but not in the organization of their work. Nevertheless, there are huge numbers of issues regarding with that. Managers conduct of work process of different departments of the hospital, delivering needed materials, accounting, and budgeting, planning schedule etc. They are required to do this in any kind of organizations and in hospitals or clinics as well. Therefore, the structure of organizations can be broken; it needs two types of employees. Consequently, the role of a health care manager has to do own work in a health care organization.

Contrast/comparison paragraph

Many authoritative authors say that any kind of an organization or business is a system, which can be compared with an organism of a human. In case of this, it has a point comparing a doctor and a manager of organizations. Managers are responsible for inspecting of a company in the part of their field of activity, determine what is happening, and then take every measure for business process functioning. This is very similar with activities of doctors, who want to make perfect functioning of a human body. On the other hand, a manager is a part of an organization on a parity basis with the other occupations so that one can influences on the operation of an organization. Otherwise, a doctor cannot influence on patients’ body or mind. In short, we are able to research the ability of these professions by comparing one another.

Classification paragraph

Health care professionals are distinguished among three types such as physicians, nurses and health care managers. The first group is physicians, who are required to treat diseases, perform a surgery, and examine a general state of patients’ health. Nurses have some other responsibilities. They are not able to treat people by themselves but they have to support all process of medical treatment acting by physicians, and also serve patients during their stay into a bed. The last type is health care managers do not intervene in the process of medical treatment and supporting process instead they administrate it. They conduct personnel of hospitals, clinics, nursing homes or public health departments, coordinate work of departments, provide all needed materials, account expenditures and plan the budget as well. As you can conclude, all types of health care professionals are very important in providing medical services.


A-C-R Paragraph by Ira Vengrina

Each society has its unique business culture. This can be explained, first of all, by differences in values, opinions and behavioral norms, these societies share. Except these, differences in legislation and economical system are also important. It should be admitted that adherents of globalization theory are trying to prove unification tendency of cultures in general and business cultures in particular (which means expansion of American business culture on the east in practice). However, the fact that cultural differences still exist while globalization processes are lasting for almost 20 years, and also appearance of regionalization processes in contrast to globalization prove that while external behavioral norms can be unified, values, opinions and internal behavioral norms keep on being specific. Therefore, uniqueness of institutions of each society, including business culture, should be taken into account in Public Relations activity.


Contrast/ comparison + classification paragraphs by Ira Vengrina

Classification paragraph
All elements of any business culture can be divided into three main groups. These groups are value orientations, opinions and behavioral norms. Values are ideas about what is right or wrong, just or unjust, etc. This group includes such concepts as social status, money, family, education, religion, freedom, or others, which can be more or less important for people of different cultures. Opinions are peoples’ attitudes toward different aspects of social life. So this type of business culture elements consists of opinions toward different models of business relations or demands of workers. The last group, behavioral norms, combines all constant social expectations and aspirations, and consists of such things as preparation and signing a treaty, conflict situation or holiday occasion, etc. These entire in sum creates a complex of rules and worldviews which is called business culture.

Contrast and comparison paragraph
Japanese people really are really different from Americans in such a value as collectivism/ individualism. In the U.S. the main thing for a person is for him to be happy, his own problems and interests, etc. In contrast, the mentality of Japanese people can be characterized as very collectivistic and group. In Western business culture in general, and in Japanese in particular, the main actor is not a single person, but a group. Here a person identifies oneself first of all with a group and last of all – with an independent unit. So, advancing of your own interests in Japanese business culture is absolutely impolite and it verges upon obscenity. Thus, while American business culture is and individualistic culture, Japanese culture is a very collectivistic one.


Mykola Sioma
Contrast/comparison paragraph
Most scientists confirm influence of Pythagorean musical theory on Plato's cosmology as possible–we do not have a complete confidence in this question. The problem arises up because unlike Plato, Pythagoreans did not leave any texts for descendants–they considered them as sacred information. The valid sources for authentication of Pythagorean philosophy are Orphic poems or texts of later authors. But neither religious poems, nor texts of Aristotle and Jamblicus could give us a strict reconstruction of the Pythagoras thoughts because of the specific of genre. In contrast, Plato gives us an excellent example of well-structured philosophical texts which strongly remind information of Aristotle about Pythagoreans. Unlike the last, Plato showed a desire to save his texts for the next generations. We all thank him for that.

Argumentative paragraph
Pythagoras and his followers used numerical relations to explain the structure of space. Plato, who also was a follower of Pythagoras[1], showed in “Timaeus” that Pythagorean numerical relations are musical intervals such as an octave (2:1), quint (3:2), and quart (4:3). Hegel[2], trying to contain all possible opinions in his enormous system, did not notice this unique musical harmony which is the cause of the whole universe and wrote about it as about “unnecessary numbers”. Nowadays the relation between numbers and reality, which Pythagoreans and Plato were talking about, is clear for everyone and the best example to prove it is digital technologies.
[1] Dowgiałło K. Wiedza ezoteryczna Platona. – Warszawa.: DOW & DOW, 1996. – S.11.
[2] Гегель Г.В.Ф. Лекции по истории философии // Соч.: В 14 т. – М.; Л.: Политиздат, 1932.- Т.9. – С.205

Argumentative paragraph by Valentyn Danylyuk

Valentyn Daylyuk

The brand is the most valuable part of the company and it should be taken into account calculating the company price. One reason is that market price of the company is strongly interacted by the price of the brand. Values of the tangible assets of the “Ukrzaliznucja” are estimated in 5 billion EURO, the intangible assets (value of the brand) are estimated in 35 billion EURO[1]. It should be admitted that other wide spread approaches to the company value (the economic value method or the break-up value method) does not take into account value of the brand. However, examples from the market illustrating that company with the strong brand like Coca-Cola or Pringles have preponderating company value than producers with analogical goods without strong brand. Therefore, if company thinks about vista and wants to increase price of the company in future, it should increase value of the brand.

[1] http://times.liga.net/articles/gs006442.html


Assignments by Iana Zborshchyk

Iana Zborshchyk, group 13
Contrast and Comparing paragraph
In the second part of 20 century, the society entered into the new paradigm of economics development. Like an old economic theory, the new one is also focused on economics growth and factors that can have influence on it. Supporters of neoclassicism argue that capital accumulation and labor force improvement are the main reasons of economics growth. In contrast, Romer (1986) and Luxas (1988) created the theory that claims that an accumulation of knowledge in the society is the main reason of nation prosperity. The old one theory includes process improvement but interprets it like exogenous variable. On the other hand, the new economics theory states that process improvement is endogenous variable and people can effect on it by increasing in knowledge that is possessed by society. Therefore, the new one theory did not change the key issues of economic development, but it shows us a new important factor that influences it.

Argumentation paragraph
Because today economic growth is increasingly knowledge driven, some top-managers, accountants and scientist have identified an urgent need to measure the intellectual capital and include the results in financials reports of companies. A study made by the Brookings Institution on the value of non-financial companies showed that in 1978 twenty percent of corporate value was attributable to intangible assets, whereas in 1998 this had increased to eighty percent. Nevertheless, it should be admitted that no one has yet questioned how much costs companies creating, collecting and analyzing intellectual capital asset data. Some researches argue whether it is beneficial for company to make such an analysis. However, the cost-benefit analysis shows that measurement of intellectual capital is profitable for company. It can be a source of competitive advantage for enterprise, shows investors the company prospects, and stimulate innovation that leads to wealth generation. Therefore, if company thinks about future and wants to be competitive and prosperous in future, it should measure intellectual capital.

Assignments by Varvara Perekrest

Varvara Perekrest
Classification paragraph
The technology of virtual reality uses different devices to allow a man to interact with a computer-simulated environment. The first device providing its wearer this interaction was the head-mounted display (HMD). A typical HMD displays screens and an optical system that channels the images from the screens to the eyes. To overcome the uncomfortable intrusiveness of a head-mounted display, alternative devices such as BOOM were developed. The BOOM (Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor) is a head-coupled stereoscopic display device that user can guide to any position. And the most complex device is called the CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment). It provides the illusion of immersion by projecting stereo images on the walls and floor of a room-sized cube. Scientists still develop different instruments to work in the virtual reality.

Contrast-comparison paragraph
The term 'Virtual Reality' is used for different applications with different features. These applications are divided into immersive and non-immersive virtual reality. The immersive VR provides a natural interface for the navigation in three-dimensional space and realistic interactions with virtual objects. Its virtual world is presented in full scale and relates properly to the human size. While non-immersive VR provides pseudo look-around and walk-trough capabilities on a graphics monitor. Non-immersive space sometimes appears with low fidelity, due to technical limitations on processing power. But all the boundaries are becoming blurred and all variations of VR will be important in the future.

Argumentation paragraph
Virtual reality gives lots of new opportunities and has enormous potential in different applications. One reason is that virtual systems promote successful development of medicine, aviation and multimedia. It should be admitted that some sociologists consider that virtual reality can harmfully influence human behavior and lead to sharp decrease in interpersonal communication. However, VR application play active therapeutic role in various forms of exposure therapy, especially in phobia treatments. Also recent research conducted at the University of Haifa showed that autistic children can be taught to cross the street by practicing with a unique virtual reality system. Therefore, rational usage of these applications even helps to struggle against different mental disorders. Thus, virtual technologies have many advantages and should be further developed.