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No doubt that women had specific functions both in Final Paleolithic (14 - 10 ka BP) and Mesolithic (8 – 6 ka BC) periods. Although the common main women responsibilities still were up-bringing children, preparing food and making clothes, the researches admit obvious changes. As Final Paleolithic women mostly sat in their lodging watching fire and preparing food, their winter lifestyle was rather calm and passive. In contrast, the whole winter Mesolithic women changed their camp; they had to gather portative lodging and all the equipment to move to their husbands who hunted some animals to eat. Women carried the luggage themselves on special sledges.  The second main difference is connected with women’s responsibilities in their community. When Final Paleolithic women had only to dress the deer meat during the season reindeer hunting (provided by men), Mesolithic women started to provide food to the community themselves: they gathered berries, nut, and eggs of wild birds. Comparing the two Stone Age periods and taking into account all mentioned above, we can stay that if some primarily women function were the same both in Final Paleolithic and Mesolithic, their social function in the community became more active and acquired some new productive features. 

Зализняк Л.Л. Охотники на северного оленя Украинского Полесья в эпоху финального палеолита. — К.: Наукова думка, 1989. — 182 с.

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