
ACR paragraph. By Iuliia Gorodyska

ACR paragraph. By Iuliia Gorodyska

The principle of subsidiarity should be applied in Ukraine

Subsidiarity enables civic participation.
Having an underdeveloped political culture, citizens in Ukraine will not take part in local decision making.
Subsidiarity creates fruitful conditions to foster civic participation and enforce human rights

       Subsidiarity principle, which is a principle invoking that decisions are to be made as closely as possible to the citizens to ensure effectiveness in achieving public objectives, should be applied in Ukraine. Subsidiarity principle is closely related to federalization approach, first dispute over which opened the Federalist Papers 1787 by Hamilton, Madison and Jay [1], and which is a controversial issue in Ukrainian politics as well. Applying subsidiarity would offer the Ukrainian civil society many possibilities to participate in decision making process more widely than it does now. It should be admitted that the weak political culture of Ukrainian society could possibly pose certain burdens to development of subsidiarity, as citizens may not be active in local decision making process and may be indifferent to current communal problems. However, subsidiarity creates fruitful conditions to foster civic participation and thus enforce human rights for participation and inclusion, as written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [2], which Ukraine is committed to. Moreover, opennes of local politics would enhance citizens' real influence on the national level politics, stipulating in this way the civil society activity. Therefore, subsidiarity principle must find its embodiment in Ukrainian political structure and be applied on local, regional and national levels. 

[1] The Federalist Papers, 1964. - Available from: <http://www.foundingfathers.info/federalistpapers/> - Title from the screen.
[2] The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. - Available from: <http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml> - Title from the screen.

1 comment:

Valentyn Degtyar said...

comment by Valentyn Degtyar

The Argument-Counterargument-Rebuttal pattern is evident, transitions are clear, however the literature sources referred to do not seem to be supporting the argument, but only identifying the notions used.