
ACR Paragraph. Musina Valentyna

Social networking allows to communicate with a person without the physical presence of both at the same place
A person loses an ability to build relations in the real life
Social networks create an opportunity to stay in touch with the people who do not reside in an accessible area

In our modern societies there has not been provided an unified vision towards social networks. Some people may assume that the creation of social messaging eliminates the real life connections and roots out the individual value of reality [1]. Nevertheless, evident expansion of the Internet in our daily life indicates the necessity to recognize social networks significance and to study such a phenomenon meticulously.  Principally, the vital advantage the social networking offers is an ability to communicate with the person in a required period of time immediately without physical presence in one particular place. Moreover, the communication is not limited by messaging exclusively; in fact, different social networks propose convenient sharing of files and information: simultaneous acquaintance with various media files, distant events organization, and virtual communities’ establishment. However, social networking overindulgence is a cause of the adequate reality comprehension deprivation; for example, a huge database of friends in a social network distorts the notion of friend in a real life. Therefore, instant messaging becomes an issue of self-control and real life perception when it touches people who you have an ability to communicate with without the Internet maintenance.   

1. Tardanico Susan (2012). "Is Social Media Sabotaging Real Communication?". Forbes.  http://www.forbes.com/sites/susantardanico/2012/04/30/is-social-media-sabotaging-real-communication/ 

1 comment:

Valentyn Degtyar said...

Critical response by Valentyn Degtyar

Although this paragraph does not exactly follow the ACR pattern, because it begins with the counterargument, the author is convincing in that social networks are useful as the new means of communication. Topic sentence is clear. The concluding sentence begins with an appropriate end-of-paragraph signal – “therefore”, however it presents not the rebuttal, but another thought, which is, nevertheless, very meaningful. In my impression the paragraph is good, because transitions are smooth and the logic is understandable. Author shows reflection towards criticism of social media, but defends the view that social media give new valuable opportunities and means for communication.