
Conference Agenda

National university of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Academic writing conference: The Reflection of the Consumer Society in Literature and Cinema
Building 3, auditorium 409
February 21, 2013; 10 am to 11:20 am
10:00 am
10:10 am
1.    Dystopia over totalitarian system – Kateryna Oliinyk
2.    “Fahrenheit 451”: Comparison of the Book and the Movie – Maia Synytsia
3.    “Fahrenheit 451”. Film VS Book – Ivanna Voitsekhovych
4.  “Fahrenheit 451”: totalitarian indifference (according to the comparison of the book to the movie) – Olha Vynohradova
5.    “Fahrenheit 451” and “Brazil” – Alisa Demina
6.    “Fahrenheit 451” and “Brave New World” – Arseniy Fedosiuk
7.    “Fahrenheit 451” and “The Truman Show” – Nadiia Kornienko
8.    Dystopia: a ‘stop’ button for the utopian machine – Iryna Nikolaichuk
9.    “Fahrenheit 451” and “Equilibrium” – Marta Pasiuk
10.   Ways of resistance in the future (according to dystopia movies Fahrenheit 451 (1966) and Equilibrium (2002)) – Mariia Pozniakova
11.  “Fahrenheit 451” and “Black Mirror: Fifteen Million Merits” – Bohdana Sushinets`

11:00 am
Questions and comments
Chairman – Marta Pasiuk
Secretary – Mariia Pozniakova
Timekeeper – Nadiia Kornienko
Publisher – Olha Vynohradova

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