
ACR Essay. Marta Pasiuk

Human I in works of Paul Riecoeur

The fundamental category of the personalistic philosophical and anthropological understanding of human theory is personality. Paul Riecoeur represents French school of personalism and supports the idea of semantic entity – ‘self’, which creates values that are sense of human culture and life in general.

Paul Riecoeur claims about human ‘I’ as essentially embodied ‘self’. The philosopher’s idea is opposite to the Cartesian and the radical anti-Cartesian conceptions, which declare about ego as independent of the body or that ‘self’ is the product of the basically impersonal physical system. However Paul Riecoeur believes that ‘self’ is only possible with the help of the material and cultural components and at the same time is the guaranty of initiative and inaugurating something new.

The other reasons for Paul Riecoeur to describe ‘self’ as a main characteristic of human life are three approaches that the author represents–semantic, pragmatic, narrative approaches. Semantic approach only provides the ability to designate individuals but does not provide opportunities to identify as ‘self’. In pragmatic approach speech acts have an influence on ‘I’ and ‘I’ values now as a subject. But life becomes all-in-one only with entering of the narrative identity, which helps to judge and evaluate behavior of ‘self’ and the others through moral and ethical prism.

Consideration of human ‘I’ in Paul Riecoeur’s researches completes with categories of the morality and ethics. It should be admitted that moral in its requirement of practical compulsion does not take into account the personality in general. But as for Paul Riecoeur by evaluating own actions, provides a kind of interpretation of the ‘self’ in ethical terms.

So as a representative of French personalism Paul Riecoeur demonstrate the idea of human ‘I’ as ‘self’ in such terms as essentially embodied human ‘self’, narrative identity, and moral ‘self’. And by such description determines human ‘I’ as the main characteristic of human life and in all its forms.

1. Ricouer Р. // Stanford Encyclopedia of Philisophy. — 2005. –http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ricoeur/

2. Ricouer Р. Oneself as Another.

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