
Classification Paragraph. Musina Valentyna

            Initially nation is a vital part of every stable state creation. According to the generalized definition, nation is a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, and language, inhabiting a particular country or territory (Oxford Dictionaries, 2013). Therefore, the main feature that makes nation so significant is the creation of collective connection atmosphere among the citizens residing in a particular state. Nevertheless, among the nation researchers a huge discussion retains concerning the origin of the nation emergence; consequently, the nation study can be divided into two polar approaches: primordialism and constructivist theory. The first of these states that national feeling is given for a person a priori, by nature; in fact, nation is demonstrated as individual biological phenomenon. On the contrary, constructivism rejects the natural comprehension of nation and asserts that nation is built artificially by the state leaders and/or cultural activists. To this day, the discussion of nation origins appears to be the most irreconcilable in the national studies.      


1.      1. Oxford Dictionaries (2013). Oxford University Press. http://oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/nation

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