
Classification Paragraph. Arseniy Fedosiuk, group A2

While there is little scholarly agreement concerning the classification of racism, modern intellectual community have provided a concept based on which there can be distinguished three main types of racism. The first type can be defined as institutional or structural racism which covers a wide range of racial discrimination held by different social institutions such as governments, corporations, educational institutions etc. In other words racial discrimination should be outgoing from large organizations that have enough power and leverages to influence the lives of social groups as well as individuals. The second one is scientific racism, which can be referred not to the racial discrimination, as to the scientific theory that believes humanity can be characterized by race with certain physical and intellectual traits. Such differentiation, according to this type, determines the hierarchy of races, but only in biological connotation. The most common type can be classified as internal racism and can be defined as racism-related views, practices and actions that spread among separate individuals and usually with no actual ground.

"Racism" in R. Schaefer. 2008 Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Society.

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