
Comparison-Contrast Paragraph. Victoria Odnosum

People always tried to make their lives more comfortable and perfect. That is why modeling a new type of an ideal calendar became the sphere of peoples’ attention for more than one century. Therefore it would be quite interesting to compare the Gregorian calendar, which is used by a huge part of the world now, and the project of an international 13-months calendar, that was designed by Economical and Social Council of UNO. The first one has 12 months that contain different quantity of days from 28 to 31. The Gregorian average year has 365 days consequently in order to equalize it with the tropical year, which is little bit longer than 365 days, a leap year was introduced. As a result the Gregorian calendar has a big amount of disadvantages as different quantity of working days per month that vary from 19 to 23. Also years and months begin at different days of a week, the first half-year is always longer than the second. In contrast, UNO project offers a calendar with 13 months and 28 days per month which equals to 364 days per year. Therefore it was proposed to add 1 day to each year and 2 days to each leap year. These additional days were considered to become international holidays of peace and friendship of nations. Though the international calendar managed to cope with all disadvantages of the Gregorian calendar, it has its own gaps. For example, such year cannot be divided in equal half-years and quarters. Moreover, 13-months calendar cause a problem in computing different historical dates. Consequently this calendar was not provided, but that does not mean that people refuse the idea to create a perfect calendar.

Seleshnikov S. The history of a calendar and chronology. – Moscow: Science, 1970. – 224 p.

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