
Classification Paragraph. Olga Belopolska

Boris Simchenko stays that according to the function of women in society Nganasan people divide them in three age groups. The youngest women, or kopto, not married and without children, help to look after the latter and dress meat. It is prohibited for them to make clothes to married men, children or even to their unmarried brothers. Their main function is to store wood for fire. Ny women, or those who are married and have children, work with meat of dead deer and the skin, store food, make clothes and the covering for summer lodging.  The ethnographer underlines the more respectful attitude to the eldest women, inie,  who are responsible for solving  conflicts and food distribution. They approve marriages, ensure celebration activities, sacred and social rules.
Симченко Ю.Б. Культура охотников на оленей северной Евразии. М., Наука, 1976 –  311 с., С. 191 – 193.

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