
Classification Paragraph. Maria Levonova

The term “modern art” evokes a variety of questions concerning its meaning among people of this epoch. Jaison Cianelli# offers distinguishing classifications of art of the last century between “modern,” “abstract,” and “contemporary”. The first classifying category includes works of artist who presented new ways of seeing, used methods which were unknown before. This movement began with works of Claude Monet in 1870 and other Impressionists and ended in late 1960-th when post-modern appeared as a new term. Another term for defining art of 20th century is “abstract art” which provides a departure from reality and was first presented by Pablo Picasso’s cubism innovation in early 1900th. This category is not defining a historical period and consequently can be used addressing art-works of nowadays. The last way to indicate art movements of today’s world is to call them “contemporary”. Such an approach of classifying artworks comprises all creations made in current moment of our living regardless to the style. The position one chooses to address art of the last century from should be strictly dependent on basic understanding of differences between categories mentioned.

Jaison Cianelli. Contemporary Paintings, Modern Art, and Abstract Art - What's the Difference?

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