
Mykola Sioma
Contrast/comparison paragraph
Most scientists confirm influence of Pythagorean musical theory on Plato's cosmology as possible–we do not have a complete confidence in this question. The problem arises up because unlike Plato, Pythagoreans did not leave any texts for descendants–they considered them as sacred information. The valid sources for authentication of Pythagorean philosophy are Orphic poems or texts of later authors. But neither religious poems, nor texts of Aristotle and Jamblicus could give us a strict reconstruction of the Pythagoras thoughts because of the specific of genre. In contrast, Plato gives us an excellent example of well-structured philosophical texts which strongly remind information of Aristotle about Pythagoreans. Unlike the last, Plato showed a desire to save his texts for the next generations. We all thank him for that.

Argumentative paragraph
Pythagoras and his followers used numerical relations to explain the structure of space. Plato, who also was a follower of Pythagoras[1], showed in “Timaeus” that Pythagorean numerical relations are musical intervals such as an octave (2:1), quint (3:2), and quart (4:3). Hegel[2], trying to contain all possible opinions in his enormous system, did not notice this unique musical harmony which is the cause of the whole universe and wrote about it as about “unnecessary numbers”. Nowadays the relation between numbers and reality, which Pythagoreans and Plato were talking about, is clear for everyone and the best example to prove it is digital technologies.
[1] Dowgiałło K. Wiedza ezoteryczna Platona. – Warszawa.: DOW & DOW, 1996. – S.11.
[2] Гегель Г.В.Ф. Лекции по истории философии // Соч.: В 14 т. – М.; Л.: Политиздат, 1932.- Т.9. – С.205

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