
Contrast/ comparison + classification paragraphs by Ira Vengrina

Classification paragraph
All elements of any business culture can be divided into three main groups. These groups are value orientations, opinions and behavioral norms. Values are ideas about what is right or wrong, just or unjust, etc. This group includes such concepts as social status, money, family, education, religion, freedom, or others, which can be more or less important for people of different cultures. Opinions are peoples’ attitudes toward different aspects of social life. So this type of business culture elements consists of opinions toward different models of business relations or demands of workers. The last group, behavioral norms, combines all constant social expectations and aspirations, and consists of such things as preparation and signing a treaty, conflict situation or holiday occasion, etc. These entire in sum creates a complex of rules and worldviews which is called business culture.

Contrast and comparison paragraph
Japanese people really are really different from Americans in such a value as collectivism/ individualism. In the U.S. the main thing for a person is for him to be happy, his own problems and interests, etc. In contrast, the mentality of Japanese people can be characterized as very collectivistic and group. In Western business culture in general, and in Japanese in particular, the main actor is not a single person, but a group. Here a person identifies oneself first of all with a group and last of all – with an independent unit. So, advancing of your own interests in Japanese business culture is absolutely impolite and it verges upon obscenity. Thus, while American business culture is and individualistic culture, Japanese culture is a very collectivistic one.

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