
Evgenia Evseeva. Report on Student Reading Activities  

The bar chart gives comparison on students’ reading activities during 5 years of study. The horizontal axis illustrates the prevalence of type of reading, which occupied most of the time during the study at the university presented in percentage to total amount of reading. The vertical axis shows the annual data during 5 - year study-period.

During the whole study period, we see the fluctuation in the number of time that student spend on the studying of his major. During the first year, students preferred to read academic literature other than their major subject. However, the extent of academic literature reading is 4 times bigger than one for pleasure. This can be explained in the following way. Students at the 1st study year has just entered university and are motivated to study a lot, because of the unpreparedness to the academic curriculum and working load; they also try to prevent the expel from the university. The fact that they are interested less on their major subject than on other course can be understood if we assume that 1st year bachelor student is not already rooted in his specialty. In the second stud year the student begin to read news (which occupies the most of free time in 10 of the students) apart from other literature. The reason that this piece of reading was absent during the 1st year, and gradually begin to increase, except from the 4th year (when the majority of the students are concentrated on their diploma) lies in the fact that students being adults with forming personality start being really aware of the world around them( national and global affairs). What is interesting is that the number of literature other than academic reduces by half in 4th year comparing to the third year of study. This also occurs due to the motivation to write dissertation at the decent level or the possible work engagement in the specialty field. 

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