
Peer Response to V.Grodsky's Definition Paragraph

by Kharchenko, P.

In spite of the fact that a sentence definition refers to the field of the computer science, it reveals an actual and close to the every student notion. Therefore, it is very interesting to read further the extended definition explaining the inside of the search engine and preconditions of the search engine results.
Moreover, the extended definition paragraph meets most of the requirements to this kind of paragraph. First of all, the format is correct, that is the extended definition has a single indention, or is written in one paragraph. Besides, the topic sentence identifies both the class and the functional purpose of the notion, which is relevant also to the sentence definition. All the further sentences clearly support the topic sentence, coherently adding the relevant details to it. On the other hand, a concluding sentence is missing. Even though being optional, the concluding sentence would reinforce the overall information presented in the paragraph. Moreover, for further improvement the examples of the modern search engines could be mentioned.
Speaking about the sentence structure, the main and the longest sentence of the paragraph is a little bit difficult for perception, which is caused by the overuse of nouns. For example, “the process of definition of the revelation of the web-page to the query…” could be instead replaced by “in the process of defining the focused search results different algorithms are used…”.
Nevertheless, the capability of the writer to present a well-developed and clear for a reader definition without an external use of information implies a good knowledge of the subject and understanding of the main requirements to the extended definition paragraph.

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