
Argumentative paragraph by Nina Kavatsyuk

It Is Necessary to Protect Children Exposed to Domestic Violence by the Law
Childhood exposure to adult domestic violence should be defined as child maltreatment under the law, and appropriate services should be provided. One reason of this is that child witnesses of domestic violence experience a variety of negative developmental outcomes and therefore need special care and protection. It has been revealed that children exposed to domestic violence are at the same time victims of emotional abuse, which is a type of child maltreatment. It should be admitted that a number of researches show that many children exposed to domestic violence exhibit no greater problems than other children, and there is no need to identify this group as vulnerable. However, it is important to consider those children, who are really effected by exposure to domestic violence, taking into account the severity of violence, the period of exposure, and risk factors. These children should get care and help in social organizations. Therefore, the state should protect children exposed to domestic violence, providing them with the opportunity to communicate effectively, to study well, and to create healthy families in the future[1].
[1] Mills L.G. Integrating Domestic Violence Assessment Into Child Protective Services Intervention: Policy and Practice Implications//Battered Women and Their Families. Intervention Strategies and Treatment Programs/Ed. by Roberts A.– Springer Publishing Company, 1998.– P.129-158

Argumentative paragraph by Anna Tretyak

The current system of studying Ukrainian literature at schools has to be changed. The main argument for it is that this system was developed in the previous century with some ideological purposes, which are no longer relevant. Moreover, it is totally out-of-date, and now this system causes only the strong dislike of Ukrainian authors. Pupils hate Taras Shevchenko, because they have to study his works from year to year. However, some people think, that such system is appropriate. It chosen good texts of Ukrainian authors, and it tries to draw the general picture of the Ukrainian literature process. But modern society is differing from the times when this program was developed. It is no need now to indicate what and how pupils have to like. Therefore, there is strong necessity to revise the school system of studying Ukrainian literature.

Сontrast/Comparison Paragraph by Maryana Luchynets

Maryana Luchynets, Gr.13
Junie B. Jones and Lucille are best friends, but they are different.
They both love Grace as a friend. They go to the same school and class. There is more to say. Lucille looks good when she goes to school. She wears expensive clothes. When her school picture came back, she looked like a star model. Junie looks funky. She has funny clothes and messed up hair even on a picture day. Lucille is rich and Junie B. is not. They are best friends, but they are not the same.

A-C-R Paragraph by Yuliya Kabanenko

Yuliya Kabanenko
Group #13
A-C-R Paragraph
The stock market of Ukraine will grow drastically in 2008.
One reason is that the foreign investors’ demand for the securities of Ukrainian stock market is growing. In 2007 80% of the new participants of Ukrainian stock market were foreign companies. This tendency is continuing this year. It should be admitted that there are some views that the stock market can not grow significantly due to the low liquidity of Ukrainian securities; there are some large Ukrainian companies whose securities are attractive, but there are only few of them. However, according to the analysts one of the main market coefficients P/E (which indicates the incomes of 40 largest national companies) is high in Ukraine. In 2007 it was 16,5% and it is expected that in 2008 this coefficient will increase up to 22%. This means that profits of Ukrainian companies will rise and the liquidity of their securities will rise accordingly. So, Ukrainian stock market is at the stage of its impetuous development and it will show significant growth in 2008.

Comparison/contrast paragraph by Yuliya Kabanenko

Yuliya Kabanenko
Group #13
Comparison/contrast paragraph

The main instruments of the financial market are shares and bonds, which have many differences in comparison to each other. First of all, a bondholder has a status of creditor, but does not have a right of property, while a shareholder is one of the owners of an enterprise. The payment of interest on bonds does not depend on the financial position of enterprise and its profits. In contrast, payment of interest on shares is made according to both financial position and profits of enterprise. Bondholders have a priority right on the assets of enterprise after its liquidation, whereas shareholders can use this right only after bondholders. Interest on bonds is paid in accordance with the terms, determined by the conditions of the loan, whereas shares yield interest during unlimited period of time. The amount of dividends of bondholders is determined, unlike the amount of dividends of shareholders is not determined. Although the shareholders have a right to take part in enterprise management, the bondholders does not have that right. So, bonds and shares are the most used securities on the financial market, and both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Classification Paragraph by Yuliya Kabanenko

Yuliya Kabanenko

The main institutions of stock market are: stock exchange and electronic trading system, system of independent registrars and depositary clearing system. Stock exchange and electronic trading system are to organize the trading process of securities. System of independent registrars is to draw up a register book of the securities’ owners, operate an issuer’s account and keep a record of yield on securities. Depositary clearing system is to transfer the securities and funds between the securities’ traders. In its tern electronic trading system is divided into two types: exchange and non-exchange ones. The first one is represented by exchanges and auctions, and the second one by exchange stores and floors and self-governing organizations.

Classification Paragraph by Yana Hrybovska

The culture of every nation can be divided into material culture and mental culture. The first kind usually depends on the nation’s way of life and reveals itself in the material values. It includes instruments of labor, types of dwelling, and works of art. The second kind reflects the spiritual life of the nation. It usually consists of religious beliefs, folklore, and different kinds of knowledge. Consequently, both material and mental culture are essential parts of the nation’s life.

A-C-R Paragraph by Tetiana Kurtova

Tetiana Kurtova
Group 1
Insurance companies should conduct an active fight against swindlers in the insurance sphere
Insurance companies should conduct an active fight against swindlers in the insurance sphere. One reason is that fraud in the field of insurance causes harm not only for property but also is dangerous for human life. It should be admitted that very often insurance companies work on producing their own positive image more than on the quality of their service, and they do not show information about fraud in the insurance business, trying, thus, to hide it from target audiences. However, guidance of insurance companies understands that a financial benefit from the concealment of information about the fraud cases means far fewer, than harm which is inflicted the victims of fraud insurance. Therefore, insurance companies must contest against swindlers in the insurance sphere in order to overcome the problem of fraud and to improve the image of Ukraine on international markets.

Argumentative Paragraph by Yana Hrybovska

Educational establishments in our country should contribute to the development of Ukrainian culture. The main reason is that such institutions raise new generation of educated people who should be taught to respect and enrich cultural values of their nation. At the same time there is an opinion that the main purpose of universities must be educational, and it is not directly connected with the cultural life of the country. Nevertheless, cultural sphere is an essential part of the live of every university, and it can be harmoniously combined with the educational process in order to reach the best results. Consequently, Ukrainian universities should use their great potential to ameliorate the cultural situation in the country.

Contrast and Comparison Paragraph by Yana Hrybovska

Common people usually have stereotypical vision of mass culture and elitist culture. On the one hand, mass culture is considered to be a ‘low’ variant of culture. On the other hand, elitist culture is thought to be a ‘high’ culture. Mass culture is spread among a majority of people, whereas elitist culture is usually related to a relatively small and privileged group of the society. Mass culture is usually thought to be rather primitive and has a lot of negative connotations. Conversely, elitist culture is believed to be exquisite and in the minds of common people has a positive meaning. Thus, we can see that the attitude towards mass culture and elitist culture in the society is greatly determined by such firm stereotypes.


Contrast-comparison paragraph by Daryna Vashchenko

Daryna Vashchenko

Financial and non-financial types of motivation play an equally impor¬tant role in reward management. Recompense strategies are used effectively as part of an integrated total reward process. The first type depends on the values and needs of individuals. Remuneration is concerned with pay delivery through base and variable pay and with the provision of employee benefits and pensions. Non-financial rewards also focus on the needs of people, but for recognition, achievement, responsibility and personal growth, and therefore contribute to increases in motivation, commitment and improved performance. Unlike transitory financial recompense, they make a deeper and longer-lasting impact on motivation and commitment. As the result, using of reward strategies stimulate all members of the organization from the shop-floor to the board room to work more effective and productive.

Contrast-comparison paragraph by Kateryna Glevatska

Activation of carbon materials is the most important stage in the generation process of activated carbon materials. For activation of carbon materials one of two methods can be used: chemical activation or activation by gases. Initial materials for chemical activation are non-carbonized materials, such as peat or chips. In contrast, for activation by gases only carbonized materials can be used, for example, peat charcoal or brown coal. Activation agents are also different. For chemical activation phosphoric acid, zinc chloride or sulfate acid can be applied. On the other hand, for activation by gases only water vapor, oxygen or air are used. The most important factor, which determines main properties of activated material, is temperature condition. In chemical activation the temperature is 500-600ºC, whereas in activation by gases – 800-900ºC. So, these two main methods have many differences, but both of them are widely used for generation activated carbon materials.

Classification paragraph by Kateryna Glevatska

Activated carbon has different types of surface groups. The most important surface groups are distinguished among three major kinds: surface compounds, which contain oxygen, surface compounds, which contain sulfur, and surface compounds, which contain nitrogen. The first type of surface groups determines hydrophilic properties of activated carbon. It can be sub-divided into four main classes, namely compounds, which have carboxylic groups, hydroxylic groups, phenolic, or carbonylic groups. The second type determines adsorptive properties of activated carbon. Surface compounds, which contain sulfur, can be sub-grouped in two main classes: surface compounds, which have sulfonic groups, and surface compounds, which have sulfoxy groups. The third type determines catalytic properties. Compounds, which contain amides or aromatic amides groups, belong to this type. So, these three main types of surface groups of activated carbon determine the main properties of it and can be sub-divided into a lot of different compounds.

Comparison and contrast paragraph by Nina Kavatsyuk

Children’s exposure to adult domestic violence results in two main behavioral patterns: an aggressor’s behavior and a victim’s behavior. An aggressor’s behavior is characterized by the children’s law self-esteem, similarly, a victim’s behavior is caused by the children’s negative perception of themselves. Children as aggressors can not control their negative feelings and often are violent towards their peers, whereas children-victims restrain their negative feelings and are calm in communication with others. Although aggressive children are frequently involved in conflicts and aggressively protect their point of view, children as victims usually avoid conflicts and fail to protect themselves in the situations when they are offended. Aggressive children can not build positive relationships with others, likewise, children-victims are afraid to be offended and are not confident while interacting with others. Therefore, both aggressive behavior and victim’s behavior demonstrate law social competence of children exposed to domestic violence, which leads to their isolation and loneliness[1].
[1] Edleson J. Problems Associated with Children Witnessing of Domestic Violence.– Aviable from:

Classification paragraph by Nina Kavatsyuk

Problems of the children exposed to domestic violence can be classified into three main categories. The American researchers distinguished between emotional and behavioral, cognitive and longer-term problems. The first category of problems reflects the effects of witnessing domestic violence on the emotional functioning of the children, which are later revealed in their behavior. This category includes anxiety, depression, trauma symptoms, temperament problems and, as a result, aggressive and fearful behavior. Another kind of problems concerns cognitive functioning and attitudes of the children. A number of studies founded the association between witnessing domestic violence and memory problems, law ability to concentrate attention and positive attitude concerning the use of violence. The last category of problems was researched retrospectively and includes social, family and professional problems of the adults, who were exposed to domestic violence as children. Such childhood experience results in law social competence, problems with professional development, victimization of women and men’s aggressive behavior. In such a way, witnessing of domestic violence influences the main areas of children’s functioning, resulting in emotional and behavioral, cognitive and longer-term problems[1].
[1] Mills L.G. Integrating Domestic Violence Assessment Into Child Protective Services Intervention: Policy and Practice Implications//Battered Women and Their Families. Intervention Strategies and Treatment Programs/Ed. by Roberts A.– Springer Publishing Company, 1998.– P.129-158

Defining paragraph by Ira Vengrina

Sentence definition
Business culture can be defined as a complex of rules and worldviews which is a basic of business communication.
Extended definition
Business culture can be defined as a complex of rules and worldviews which is a basic of business communication. This complex consists of three main elements – system of value orientations, system of relations and system of behavioral norms. Each society with a specific culture has also specific business culture; in each society the development of business behavioral rules generally reflects the development of rules of behavior in common life. When you communicate with a person from any society business culture of that society should be taken into account to avoid misunderstandings and to help to productive business relations.

Peer Response to Vika Brovarska

The best feature of his paragraph is its clear structure.
The format of the paragraph is correct.
There is a topic sentence, which is quite clear and has a controlling idea. But it is not organized according to main rules (instead of “Capital - accumulative resources or work” should be “Capital – is an accumulative resources or work”).
Also there are some supporting sentences, the main idea in which is also clear. These supporting sentences are relevant to a topic sentence, support it.
Still, there is no concluding sentence, which, I believe, should be added for more complex comprehension of the subject.
Generally, all sentences flow smoothly, but sentence “Capital could have not only materialized, but incorporated forms” is a little bit unclear and falls out of a logical pattern. Probably, some transitional words should be added.
Also I’ve noticed a few errors in grammar (instead of ‘separate peoples’ should be (separate people’s, also there should be a coma after ‘it means’).

Contrast/Comparison paragraph by Anna Tretyak

When people intend to write a text, first of all they have to decide, whether to write poetry or prose. Each of these types of literature has own particular qualities. Poetry is a text that has to be organized according to its genre. It has strong rhythmic structure, and often rhyme is expected. Because of that it is hard to write a good poetry. But poetry is a closest way to the reader. The rhythmic and rhyme help to make impression that is important in literature. Unlike poetry, prose is easier to write, because it is closer to everyday speech. It is no need to discover an extraordinary rhyme. However, it is also the reason why the impression made by prose is weaker. The author of that type of literature has to invent some unexpected turns in plot in order to impress the reader. But both prose and poetry are good ways to express somebody thoughts in written form.

Classification paragraph by Anna Tretyak

A dictionary is a book of alphabetically listed words. There are several types of dictionaries. The first type includes monolingual dictionaries, which contain entries in one language and the data related to those entries are in the same language. To the second type belong bilingual dictionaries, in which each entry has translations of words in another language. The third type is specialized dictionaries, which focus on a specific field of knowledge. Another one type of dictionary is a glossary, an alphabetical list of defined terms in a specialized field, such as literature or law. People can choose different dictionaries according to various needs.

Sources: 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictionary


Comparison-contrast paragraph by Nadya Kayun

Kayun Nadya

Today very important methods in the regulation of effective using the natural resources are holding the ecological examination and ecological monitoring. The goal of these two forms of activities is to improve the environmental condition. But there are some differences between their goals, ecoexamanation is directed to the prevention, prediction and valuation of the negative influence on the environment from separate dangerous objects and types of activities. In contrast ecomonitoring with the help of informative means secures the valuation and prediction of the environment condition. In spite of these differences subjects of the ecological examination and ecological monitoring are similar. They are ministries executive agencies, public associations and other organizations which can get necessary information and make appropriate decisions concerning the betterment of the ecological situation. From the other hand objects of these forms of the environmental control are absolutely different. Although ecological examination makes the research of the legislative regulatory and legal acts, project materials conformity with the creation of new technologies, technical documentation, if the realization of these projects can cause negative consequences for the environment, ecological monitoring envelopes the territories of the separate regions in Ukraine, big river basins, industrial-urban and industrial-economical regions. So it is well worth to make a conclusion that both forms of scientific activity are important for the accordance with the standards of the environmental protection but ecomonitoring has more global character and ecoexamination is on the local level.

Contrast and Comparison Paragraph by Tetiana Kurtova

Fraud in insurance and ways of its elimination
Tetiana Kurtova
Group 1

If you live in Ukraine and like to travel to the USA without becoming a victim of insurance swindler, you should be well informed about the features of frauds both in Ukraine and in the USA. Either Ukraine or the USA has problems at the insurance market. Fraud in insurance business in Ukraine is as dangerous as in the USA. Fraud in insurance both in Ukraine and the USA depends on the structure of insurance services. Unlike the Ukrainian swindlers, swindlers in the USA are operating in the field of medical insurance. For instance, as a result of frauds in the medical insurance field the losses of insurance companies reach 40 milliards dollars in a year. In Ukraine this type of insurance is undeveloped, whereas in the USA a volume of life-insurance payments is 30 percent of the given insurance services size. In contrast, in Ukraine this index reaches 4,6 percent. Unlike the USA, in Ukraine a fraud is mostly observed in the property insurance sector. Therefore, when you are going (traveling, moving) either to Ukraine or to the USA, everyone should pay attention to these features.

Contrast-and-comparison paragraph by Oxana Koshova

Microbial fuel cells: principles of organization and prospects of use

When starting to work with microbial fuel cells (MFCs), the specific characteristics of different cells must be taken into consideration. There are two types of microbial cells – mediator and mediator-less MFCs. Both of them share the same structure: anode and cathode chambers filled with electrolyte and divided by the cation-selective membrane. But the electron transfer from microbial cells of the first type to the electrode is facilitated by mediators such as thionine, methyl viologen, or neutral red; while mediator-less MFCs use electrochemically active bacteria for that purpose. In contrast to the mediator-less MFCs, mediator cells are not safe enough or easily accessible because most of the mediators available are expensive and toxic. At the same time, these devices are well-known and thoroughly examined. Mediator-less MFCs, on the other hand, are a much more recent development and due to this the factors that affect optimum operation, such as the bacteria used in the system, the type of ion membrane, and the system conditions are not particularly well-understood. So the type of microbial cell should be selected carefully according to the peculiarities of the investigation or practical use.


Classification paragraph by Oxana Koshova

Microbial fuel cells: principles of organization and prospects of use

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) can be divided into mediator and mediator-less microbial fuel cells. The first class of MFCs is electrochemically inactive. The electron transfer from microbial cells of this type to the electrode is facilitated by mediators such as thionine, methyl viologen, methyl blue, humic acid, and neutral red. According to the mediator, different types of MFCs are distinguished, for example, thionine or methyl viologen MFCs. Mediator-less microbial fuel cells, on the other hand, does not require a mediator but use electrochemically active bacteria to transfer electrons to the electrode. Among the electrochemically active bacteria are Geothrix fermentans, Desulfobulbus propionicus, Rhodoferax ferrireducens, Shewanella putrefaciens, and Aeromonas hydrophila. Similarly, there are Geothrix-based MFCs or Desulfobulbus-based MFCs. While most of the mediators available are expensive and toxic, mediator-less microbial fuel cells are more preferable.


Contrast-comparison paragraph by Valentyn Danylyuk

Valentyn Danylyuk
Gr. - 13

According to the marketing studies there are two kinds of brands. Both manufacturer brands and own-label brands, have same structure - ubiquitous presence, added service, emotional values, and core functionality. Like manufacturer brands, own-label brands have acquired consumer loyalty. On the other hand, manufacturer brands are created by producers, but own-label brands are created and owned by businesses that operate in the distribution channel and often referred to as “distributors”. Unlike manufacturer brands, distributors will mix own-label and manufacturers brands. This will bring to them additional bargaining power when it comes to negotiating prices and terms with manufacturer brands. In contrast, manufacturer brands, by building their brand names, can gain widespread distribution and build customer loyalty[1]. It is impossible to conclude what kind is the best, but it should be sad that businesses that operate successful brands bring higher profits.

1. http://tutor2u.net/business/marketing/brands_types.asp

Classification paragraph by Valentyn Danylyuk

Valentyn Danylyuk
Gr. - 13

There are different approaches to the brand classification. According to the marketing studies brand can be classified into three categories – international brand, regional brand, and local brand. The first type, international brand, is imply that the "brand should have international sales and sales potential as a result of its product advantages, packaging, communication channels, and price positioning."* The second type, regional brand, is presupposing that the "brand should have zone sales and sales potential."* The last type, local brand, mean that the brand recognizable in the single territory of the country. Because there is an ability of the brand to develop and rearrange in time brand can be relegated to different type.

* "BRAND CLASSIFICATION", report by British-American Tobacco Company, 02.12.1993


Classification paragraph by Tetiana Kurtova

Fraud in insurance and ways of its elimination
Tetiana Kurtova
Group 1

Psychological types of insurance swindlers can be classified as an “artist”, “brawler”, “bore swindler”, and “casual swindler”. The first type is an “artist swindler”, who surrounds himself with liking and trust. Basic method of counteraction to “artist” is to conduct a talk in the plane of facts, to set concrete questions and to ask to describe the situation in details. This procedure is done until the „artist" begin to avoid answering, or starts setting meetings questions, or tries to change a topic, or even comes to a conflict with themselves. The second type is “brawler swindler”, who behaves aggressively, their slogan is, „must!". In order to eliminate a “brawler” professionals advise avoid playing their game; or, if being confident in ones psychological strength and ability to win, to accept brawlers game and to answer aggressively. The third type is “bore swindler”, who knows legislation and all legal procedures very well: therefore, he strongly declares going to trial to explain the fraud. To fight a bore in court one should know all insurance and legislative terms. The last type is “casual swindler”, who has not decided yet, whether an attempt of getting all the facilities from an insurer is needed to be lead to the end.


Evaluation of Lyuba Mykhaylova's Paragraph

Mariana Soroka, Group 13

Definition paragraph made by Lyuba Mykhaylova denominates the meaning of the mass society in the social philosophy. The best feature of this paragraph is the historical reference of the concept of the mass society. The format is correct. On the one hand, there is no clear topic sentence that describes philosophical concept in all possible aspects; the best sentence that illustrates clearly the concept is in the ending part of the paragraph. On the other hand, supporting sentences reflect changes and the logical order of transforming the meaning of the mass society. There is no concluding sentence and that is why the definition seems to be without an end. Despite of this, all sentences flow smoothly and give us the right direction in understanding the concept of the mass society. Still, there are no transitional signals that identify the relationship between sentences, and there are small grammar mistakes concerning articles. Generally speaking, the definition paragraph made by Lyuba is good with appropriate vocabulary and clear explanation.


Model Peer Comment

Oxana Koshova said...

Peer comment

The extended definition of the “activated carbon” by Kateryna Glevatska gives us full understanding of the notion. The definition itself is clear, brief, and precise, while the paper format of the paragraph is fully observed. These are the best features of the work.

At the same time, the organization and content of the paragraph are also worth mentioning. The paragraph begins with the topic sentence, which identifies the class of the notion, and contains the controlling idea, which specifies the main characteristic of the activated carbon – sorption capacity. Supporting sentences give additional information about the term using sufficient amount of details. All of them are essential for describing the structure or characteristics of the material and supplement the topic sentence. The concluding sentence summarizes the paragraph highlighting the functional use of activated carbon, which results from its structure. It begins with an appropriate end-of-paragraph signal – therefore.

Generally, the sentences in the paragraph flow smoothly and it is easy to read. But there is only one transitional phrase, due to, in the last supporting sentence. It would be better to use more of them.

Though the paragraph is well-structured, it leaves much to be desired from the grammar point of view. Actually, there are both grammar and punctuation mistakes in the text. First of all, the predicate is omitted in the concluding sentence. Secondly, the third person singular in the Present Simple is used improperly in the sentence 4. And also commas are used incorrectly in defining relative clauses (the sentence definition of the activated carbon and sentences 1, 4 of the extended definition).

But as a whole, the definition paragraph by Kateryna Glevatska gives necessary information for understanding the meaning of the notion. It is well-structured and clearly-written. All together these make it easy to read, helpful, and valuable.

Response to definition by Anna Malakhova

Perekrest Varvara
The best features of this paragraph is intelligibility and clearness.
The topic sentence is long, but it contains a main controlling idea of this definition. There are several supporting sentences that add relevant details which support main idea and topic sentence.
There is no concluding sentence and transitional signals apart from “also”, but all of the sentences still flow smoothly. There are no unclear sentences.
I haven’t noticed any errors in grammar, but I would change the last sentence to “these types are…” or “they are…”.

Definitions by Perekrest Varvara

Perekrest Varvara
Sentence definition:
Virtual reality is a technology, which allows a man to interact with a virtual computer-simulated environment through the use of different input devices.

Extended definition:
Virtual reality is a sensory rich computer-generated environment, which provides realistic physical feedback. This environment is able to display images in 360 degrees in three-dimensional space that appear with high fidelity. And also this simulation can include additional sensory and tactile information, such as sounds and physical interaction using different input and output devices. Virtual systems are applied in medicine, aviation and multimedia and are used to explore things that are not visible or manipulated by humans.

Definition by Maryana Luchynets

Maryana Luchynets
MP-1 “Finance”
Sentence definition
Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
Extended definition
Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Dimensions of production include measurement - how much, how efficiently, and for whom (that is, 'distribution'). The word 'economics' is from the Greek words [oikos], meaning house, and [nomos], meaning custom or law, hence "rules of the house(hold)". Discussions about production and distribution date back to ancient laws and to philosophers, such as Plato. However, economics in its modern sense is conventionally dated from the publication of Adam Smith's “The Wealth of Nations” in 1776. Moreover 'economics' displaced the earlier term of 'political economy' with the rise of neoclassical economics after 1870. Furthermore, a definition that captures much of modern economics is that of Lionel Robbins in a 1932 essay: "the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses." Scarcity means that available resources are insufficient to satisfy all wants and needs. Absent scarcity and alternative uses of available resources, there is no economic problem. Consequently economics involves the study of choice, as affected by incentives and resources. Its methods have been applied to seemingly distant fields of study that involve people with faced with alternatives that require choice, including education, the family, politics, health, law, crime, religion, and war.

Peer Response to M. Soroka's Definition Paragraph

by Maryana Luchynets
Mariana Soroka gives definition of European Union. I like the way the material is presented. It is clear and interesting. This definition is logically structured. There is a topic sentence with controlling idea, which is clear. The paragraph has unity. All sentences support the topic sentence. The supporting sentences help to develop the central idea and there is no need to add more details. I didn’t find any unclear sentences and errors in mechanics and grammar.

Peer response to Malakhova Anna's extended definition

Kateryna Glevatska
According to the extended definition, the best feature of it can be about protection of family abuse in Ukraine. In general, format is correct, but the first sentence is too big and seems unclear. It can be divided in two clearer sentences. All of the sentences take part in definition, and term is explained from different sides. But, there are no transition signals, therefore sentences do not flow smoothly. Also, coherence is not clear, as for me. I did not understand connection between general definition of Family abuse and Ukrainian types of it.

Peer response to Yulia Kabanenko’s definition paragraph

by Fedir Baior
The extended definition of “Stock market” is quite brevity. It is clear that paragraph is taken from scientific literature. The paragraph does not begin with the topic sentence. The extended definition gives us the clear idea about stock market that is understandable both for economists and for other people. The topic sentence expresses an opinion about the topic in letter and in spirit. There are used the specific details for support like explanations, which explicate the details of stock market. Although it would be better to provide more explanations. All sentences are logically structured that is why directly support the main idea of the topic sentence. However, a concluding sentence is missing. It seems like there are no grammar mistakes. Yuliya’s extended definition has relevance to study claims.

Classification paragraph by Kayun Nadya

Kayun Nadya
Group 13
Ecological factors which affect dynamic change in a population or species in a given ecology or environment are usually divided into two groups: abiotic and biotic. The first group which is called abiotic factors are geological, geographical, hydrological and climatological parameters. But there are some specific abiotic factors and they include: water which is an essential element of life; air which provides oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide to living species and allows the dissemination of pollen and spores ; soil, at the same time source of nutriment and physical support ; soil pH, salinity, nitrogen and phosphorus content, ability to retain water, and density are all influential ; temperature which should not exceed certain extremes, even if tolerance to heat is significant for some species ; light which provides energy to the ecosystem through photosynthesis. All the living organisms that inhabit an environment create another important group of factors which is called biotic. They are, in entirety, anything that affects a living organism that is itself alive. Such things include animals which consume the organism in question, or the food that the organism consumes. Biotic factors are the living components of an organism environment, such as predators and prey. As a result the amount of these factors is a complex system and it influences on the environment and creates particular conditions for normal life on our planet.

Peer response to Mariana Soroka's Definition

Kayun, N.

The extended definition of the “European Union” by Mariana Soroka is logically structured and it’s easy for the reader to understand the content of the paragraph. The best feature of the paragraph can be that there is some historical component in it. The definition is organized in a single paragraph without any additional remarks, and the defined term is marked (what draw our attention), that’s why the format of the paper is correct.

The paragraph begins with the topic sentence, which gives to the reader a clear general idea of the term. The word “community” which is used in the topic sentence can be the synonym for the term “European Union” but there are also particular characteristics of this community “political and economic” “is situated mostly in Europe and has common supranational government” what reflects the controlling idea of the sentence. Other sentences support the main idea and represent more details about the term. Some historical facts in them help not only to understand the meaning of the term, but to think about development of this organization. In this case it is enough information to catch the main idea of the term. But there is not concluding sentence, which should summarize all the information that was used in the paragraph.

It’s easy to read the paragraph owing to the fact that the sentences in it go smoothly. Of course it will be better to use more transitional signals, there are only few of them in text “Then”, ”Since that time”. There are no inconsistent pronouns. All the sentences are clear to the reader. If looking at the grammar mistakes, the paragraph is written in a correct way. Thereby, the extended definition of the term is easy to understand and remember for the reader.

Definitions by Kayun Nadya

Kayun Nadya
Group 13
Sentence definition
A thermophile is an organism – a type of extremophile – which thrives at relatively high temperatures, above 45 °C(113°F).
Extended definition
A thermophile is an organism – a type of extremophile – which thrives at relatively high temperatures, above 45 °C. Thermophiles are found in various geothermally heated regions of the Earth, such as hot springs and deep sea hydrothermal vents, as well as decaying plant matter such as peat bogs and compost. As a prerequisite for their survival, thermophiles contain enzymes that can function at high temperature. Some of these enzymes are used in molecular biology, and in washing agents. Thermophiles are classified into obligate and facultative thermophiles: obligate thermophiles (also called extreme thermophiles) require such high temperatures for growth, while facultative thermophiles (also called moderate thermophiles) can thrive at high temperatures but also at lower temperatures (below 50 °C). Hyperthermophiles are particularly extreme thermophiles for which the optimal temperatures are above 80 °C. So this is a very interesting group of organisms which should be study more carefully.

Nature, vol. 49, 22 February 2001Lynn J. Rothschild and Rocco L. Mancinelli. Life in the extreme environments (p.1094)

Peer Response to T. Salata’s Definition Paragraph

Lyuba Mykhaylova, group № 13
T. Salata gives definition of “Training”. Tanya uses not only a positive definition but also she asserts of what the Training is not: it is not a lecture, and a seminar. She explains the meaning of the word by counting the parts and the components of it. It is very appropriate that the author gives explanations to the components of Training. But I want to advice Tanya to indicate at the beginning of explanation that she uses the word “Training” as a term of the psychology science, because there is another meaning, for example in the biology. In general the definition is clear and gives a comprehensive description of the term.

Peer response to Salata Tatyana’s definition

Daryna Vashchenko
The best features of Tetyana’s paragraph are clearness and logical structure. The format is correct. Sentence definition gives complete explanation of the meaning of the word “training” for readers even if they do not study sociology. Extended definition stars with clear topic sentence, which helps readers understand the main point: “Training is a method of psychological human’s development.” Other sentences support the topic idea, giving more information about basic features of the training. Supporting sentences contain enough details because Tetyana wrote the explanation using simple and understandable words. There is no concluding sentence. At the end Tetyana gave the list of the components of the training process. All sentences of the paragraph are united, flow smoothly and support the main point, showing different details of the training like a process, but there are no transition signals.
The paragraph is clear. There are no errors in grammar and mechanics. The only thing that needs correction is the tautology. It is better to replace the term “training” by some other words (for example, this term; it; this process).

Peer response to Anna Tretyak's extended definition of the notion “Utopia”

by Victoria Boiko

The extended definition of “Utopia” is quite logically structured and adequate for reader's understanding.

The definition itself is organized in a single paragraph, avoiding indentions. The term is marked, hence the format of the paper is proper.
Beginning with the topic sentence, paragraph gives a general definition of the “Utopia”.

This sentence is quite clearly stated but somehow it lacks the controlling idea.

Following sentences support the main idea, providing additional information about the notion.

Supporting sentences in sufficient amount explain the term, indicating characteristic features of “Utopia”.

The attention should be drawn to the last supporting sentence. It was used to show a contrast to the very notion, probably, for better understanding of the term itself. But, this last supporting sentence is a confusing one, for it shows a dim returning to the main term “Utopia”.

After explaining the term, the author is not signalling the end of the paragraph with some phrase or word. Briefly, there is no concluding sentence,which is to summarize the main point of the paragraph and restate the topic sentence.

The sentences in the paragraph, especially supporting sentences, sometimes create a confusion and complicate reading.

Unfortunately, transitional signals are not used.

Moreover, ideological or narrative transition between the third and the fourth sentence lacks, it creates a disruption of sense.

Concerning grammar issue the paragraph is written correctly.

This extended definition was aimed to give all the necessary information for understanding the meaning of this term, but, somehow, it lacks fulfilling its main task.

Hence, there are some non-transparent moment in this extended definition to be improved =).

Peer response to definition paragraph by Lyuba Mykhaylova

Salata Tanya, A-13

The extended definition of the “mass society” by Lyuba is logical and clear. A structure of definition is applied to rules. The topic sentence is clear and looks all-sufficient. In supporting sentences Lyuba explains a historical meaning of the term “mass society” and tells us about scientists, who created and represented sociological theory of mass society from 19th century to the present day. A contrast between different parts of society (mass and the elite) helps to understand the term clearly. Lyuba doesn’t use inconsistent pronouns. She uses a passive voice that is correct. The sentences flow smoothly. There is no concluding sentence in the definition, and maybe it would be better to write it in order to summarize.

In general, all of the sentences support the topic sentence and the controlling idea.


Classification paragraph

Iana Zborshchyk, group 13
There are plenty of generic definitions of intellectual capital, that is why it is hard to classify it; but by now, most scientists and top-managers came to an agreement that intellectual capital can be divided into three categories–human, relational and structural capitals. The first category, human capital is defined as the knowledge, skills, and experience that employees take with them when they leave a company. The second type, relational capital, is all resources linked to the external relationships of the company with all stakeholders (customers, suppliers, partners in research and development). The last kind, structural capital, is the knowledge that stays within the firm after employees left a company. Because there is no clear definition of what is intellectual capital, there is no definitive classification of intellectual capital.

Peer response to the definition paragraph by Kateryna Glevatska

Mykola Sioma
The best feature of Anna’s definition paragraph is its scientific brevity. It is clear that paragraph is about carbon.
The format of her paragraph is perfect - her topic sentence in extended definition is the same as sentence definition. It is good because paragraph is about physical element and there is no need to create a new definition. The main idea is to give general information about the structure of activated carbon. Kateryna Glevatska did not need to add more details to explain it just because it is general information. The phrase "due to this" is used to summarize unique characteristic of carbon. The concluding sentence begins in an appropriate way. All the sentences flow smoothly and well connected; there are not any grammar, and mechanics errors.

Peer response to definition paragraph by Valentyn Danylyuk

Iana Zborshchyk, group 13
The best feature of Valentyn’s paragraph is the content of the paragraph. He gave all necessary information about the brand, so the readers could easily understand what it is. He also shows a sense of historical development of the term “brand”. Valentyn used the appropriate paragraph format. The topic sentence clearly defines the meaning of the word “brand“ and shows the main idea of it. Supporting sentences mostly gives only additional information about the defined word. However, it would be better to provide more explanations for the topic sentence. There is no clear concluding sentence, but it is not obligatory in definition paragraph. Nevertheless, at the end Valentyn one more time remindS the readers OF the main feature of brand. Sentences of the paragraph flow smoothly, but the overall structure can be improved by adding transitional phrases. There are no grammar mistakes. All pronouns are used correctly.

Peer Response to Vika Brovarska's Definition Paragraph

Yuliya Kabanenko

The extended definition of the “capital” by Vika Brovarska is logically organized and rather interesting for the reader. However, the definition does not have a form of a paragraph.
The topic sentence has a controlling idea, gives the notion of the term. But not everything was clear in this topic sentence. For example, it is not clear, what was meant by: “the capital is… work”. It is either inappropriate translation, or wrong selection of the word.
In supported sentences Vika informs about the forms and states of capital. But not everything was clear in these sentences. In particular the phrase: “… capital could be realized in separate peoples….”
There was no concluding sentence; that is why the paragraph does not have logical conclusion.
All the sentences make “additions” to the topic sentence. These sentences flow smoothly, but not everywhere the transit sentences were used.
There were some grammar mistakes in the paragraph. The first, after the term “capital” there should be not a dash (–), but the verb (is). The second, when writing about the forms of capital, the author wrote “his forms,” instead of “its.” The third, the phrase “capital could have not only materialized… ” To my opinion, there should be used the Present Simple: “capital can have not only materialized…”, because that refers not to the past, but to the present.
In a whole, the definition is informative, but has some unclearness and incompleteness, which should be corrected.

Peer Response to extended definition by Iana Zborshchyk

Valentyn Danylyuk

The extended definition by Ianna Zborshchyk instructs us about the human capital. The best feature of this paragraph is the topic, because nowadays interest to the intellectual capital in the economic science is growing. Format of this paragraph is clear correct (except absence of the indent at the beginning, but as it is one paragraph it is not necessary). The topic sentence of this paragraph is clear. It has a controlling idea that briefs us about the main points of the paragraph. The main idea of supporting sentences is clear. They explain topic sentence completely; there is no necessity to add more details (except, possibly, mention of historical change and development of this term). The last sentence of the paragraph can be called the concluding sentence, but it does not begin with an appropriate end-of-paragraph signal. All sentences of the paragraph support topic sentence and flow smoothly. There are no inconsistent pronouns. Transition signals are used appropriate. There are no unclear sentences. The grammar and mechanics are good. Ianna’s extended definition adequate to the main requirements of the extended definition paragraph.

Peer Response to Yana Hrybovska’s Definition Paragraph

Tetiana Kurtova
Group 1

     The extended definition of the “ethnographic group” is given in a simple and clear way. Therefore, it is easily to understand this term for any reader.
     First of all, the extended definition contains topic sentence, in which the topic and the controlling idea are clearly explained. Also, this sentence is placed at the beginning of the paragraph. The main idea is clear. Therefore, the writer does not need to add more details to explain it. However, in order to make the process of understanding the term more clear, it would be better for the writer to give an example of this concept. All sentences support the topic sentence. The paragraph includes enough details to explain the term “ethnographic group”. The supporting details are arranged in a logical order. The sentences flow smoothly. Concluding sentence, which closes the paragraph, is clear. In this definition paragraph concluding sentence reminds the reader of the main point restating the topic sentence in different words. As for the inconsistent pronouns, the pronoun “they” should not be mentioned. The paragraph is written without grammar mistakes. Speaking about the structure of the paragraph, the usage of transitions and short way of explaining the topic should not be omitted.
     The definition of the term is written with a simple and clear language. Thanks to the completeness and sufficiency of the “ethnographic group”, the concept which is described is easy to understand.

Peer responce to the definition paragraph by Hanna Plotnikova

Anna Tretyak

The best feature of Anna’s definition paragraph is its logical structure and completeness. The format of her paper is also correct. Anna gave clear topic sentence that can be used separately as a sentence definition. The main idea of this paragraph is distinct – Ecotourism has such benefits as… – and no more details are needed. The transitional word “so” signalized of the end of this definition, which concludes its main statements – that “ecotourism is beneficial for both nature and local community because of environmental, economic, and social benefits.” Maybe it would be better to avoid tautology in this sentence and for the word “benefits” use a synonym, like “advantages” or “profit”. All the sentences are smoothly and well connected in a paragraph, and appropriate transitional words are used. I have no critical remarks about sentence structure. This paragraph is an example of good and logically structured definition.

Peer Response to V.Grodsky's Definition Paragraph

by Yana Hrybovska

The author of the given paragraph gives substantial definition of a ‘search engine’ – term from his field of studying. Readying of this extended definition gives us a basic understanding of what a search engine is.
The format of this definition is correct because the term is defined in a one single paragraph, and the term itself is marked out.
In the present paragraph there is a topic sentence that has a controlling idea and gives us general information about the term. Supporting sentences give us additional information and correspond with the main idea, stated in the topic sentence. At the same time, there is no concluding sentence in the paragraph, and this fact provides the feeling of incompleteness. The author also hasn’t used any transition signals.
The last sentence of the paragraph has some problems with its structure. First of all, words ‘of the’ are repeated very often in the first part of the sentence, which causes difficulties in its perception. There also are too much brackets. It could have been written in such a way instead: ‘The revelation of the web-page to the query is defined with the help of different algorithms that analyze the content of the page -the key word frequency, the usage of key words in the important parts of the document (heading, title), and some others - and external factors such as the number and quality of the links on web-page, the description in catalogues, etc’.
It seems like there are no serious grammar mistakes.

Peer Response to V.Grodsky's Definition Paragraph

by Kharchenko, P.

In spite of the fact that a sentence definition refers to the field of the computer science, it reveals an actual and close to the every student notion. Therefore, it is very interesting to read further the extended definition explaining the inside of the search engine and preconditions of the search engine results.
Moreover, the extended definition paragraph meets most of the requirements to this kind of paragraph. First of all, the format is correct, that is the extended definition has a single indention, or is written in one paragraph. Besides, the topic sentence identifies both the class and the functional purpose of the notion, which is relevant also to the sentence definition. All the further sentences clearly support the topic sentence, coherently adding the relevant details to it. On the other hand, a concluding sentence is missing. Even though being optional, the concluding sentence would reinforce the overall information presented in the paragraph. Moreover, for further improvement the examples of the modern search engines could be mentioned.
Speaking about the sentence structure, the main and the longest sentence of the paragraph is a little bit difficult for perception, which is caused by the overuse of nouns. For example, “the process of definition of the revelation of the web-page to the query…” could be instead replaced by “in the process of defining the focused search results different algorithms are used…”.
Nevertheless, the capability of the writer to present a well-developed and clear for a reader definition without an external use of information implies a good knowledge of the subject and understanding of the main requirements to the extended definition paragraph.

Peer Response to Yana Hrybovska's Definition

Kavatsyuk, Nina

The extended definition of the “ethnographic group” by Yana Hrybovska is logically structured and understandable for the reader. The definition is organized in a single paragraph without indentions, and the defined term is marked, therefore the format of the paper is correct.
The paragraph begins with the topic sentence, which gives a general definition of the “ethnographic group”. This sentence is clearly stated and contains the controlling idea, which specifies the characteristics of the ethnographic group – “whose members identify with each other and share common culture, traditions, and customs”. All the other sentences support the main idea, giving additional information about the term. These supporting sentences contain enough details to explain the term, indicating the characteristic features of the ethnographic groups. After explaining the term, the author signals the end of the paragraph with the phrase “in such a way”. The concluding sentence briefly summarizes the main point of the paragraph and restates the topic sentence.
The sentences in the paragraph flow smoothly and it is easy to read. But there are no transitional signals used, except “also” and “in such a way”. Also, the usage of the pronoun “they” in the fourth sentence is inconsistent, because it is not clear to which word it refers. Most of the sentences are well-structured, except the fifth one. To be clearer for the reader, it can be restructured in such a way – an ethnographical group is recognized by the rest of the society as a distinct group, which is its characteristic feature. As for the grammar, the paragraph is written correctly. Therefore, the extended definition of the “ethnographic group” gives the necessary information for understanding the meaning of this term and is well-structured, which makes it easy to read.

Definitions by Nina Kavatsyuk

Extended definition
Domestic violence is defined as the actions of the adults towards their intimate partners with the aim to intimidate, humiliate or frighten them. Domestic violence typically involves repetitive behavior, including different types of abuse – physical assault, psychological, emotional and economical abuse. The perpetrators are systematically violent toward their intimate partners usually to maintain power and control over them. Domestic violence results in psychological, social and economical problems of the victims and the children exposed to it. According to the number of researches, this type of violence occurs in all age, racial, socioeconomic, educational, occupational and religious groups.
[1] Evans S. Ways of Knowing About Domestic Violence: A critical review and discussion of the literature.– Aviable from: <http://menshealth.uws.edu.au/documents/Ways%20of%20knowing%20in%20DV%20SusanEvans%2003.doc>

Sentence definition
Children exposed to domestic violence are defined as the children seeing, hearing or being aware of violence against one parent that is abused by the other parent.


Definitions by Yuliya Kabanenko

Yuliya Kabanenko
Sentence definition
Stock market is a market where securities can be sold and bought.
Extended definition
Stock market is a market for the trading of publicly held company stocks or shares and associated financial instruments. This market includes the following four components: capital market, currency market, precious market and securities market. Participants in the stock market range from small individual stock investors to large hedge fund traders, who can be based anywhere.

Definitions by Hanna Plotnikova

Hanna Plotnikova
Ethics of wild nature is one of the ideologies, according to which nature is preserved for its own sake. This ideology is also called ecocentric ideology. The essence of it is that people do not have more rights that other species in the world. Moreover, people's interests should not be higher that the ones of the nature. The issue is that wilderness can not be conserved in order to have material, scientific, or aesthetic benefits in the future. On the contrary, territories of wilderness are protected in order to protect them and to forbid any interference with human beings. If we follow this ideology, we do not need to estimate economic value of wild areas because we should consider internal value of nature that can not be evaluated in money. So, ethics of wild nature is intended to conserve nature for its own benefits and does not take into account establishment of protected areas on the purpose of benefits for human beings.

Ecotourism is a kind of tourism which helps to protect nature and brings economic and social benefits for local communities. First, ecotourism includes existence of environmental awareness of tourists. It means that tourists realise themselves as a part of nature, thus they enjoy communication with nature, do not pollute rivers, do not throw garbage, do fires only in appropriate places and behave according to unwritten rules of the world of wilderness. Second, ecotorism activities are characterized by organization of recycling and efficient use of resources, such as water and energy, in campus and hotel service. Third, money received from ecotorism should be spent in order to improve protected areas management. Money that tourists pay for being in wild areas must be used for activities connected with protection of species, habitats and ecosystems. Finally, ecotourism has social and economic values for local communities. This is because of the fact that ecotourism in protected areas supports the development of infrastructure in surrounding areas and sustains status of local communities. So, ecotourism is beneficial for both nature and local community because of environmental, economic, and social benefits.

Definitions by Polina Kharchenko, Finance

Sentence Definition

The phrase mergers and acquisitions, often abbreviated M&A, is the financial concept, used in the modern business world for describing the ways of the ownership transferring from one company to another.

Extended Definition

A merger, a part of the notion M&A, is the financial process, when two or more companies join together to form a new company, which assumes all the rights and obligations of the previously existed companies. For example, if a company A joins with the companies B and C, a new company D (D = A+B+C) appears in the market, whereas all the other company are liquidated. Another part of the M&A concept is an acquisition, or takeover, which is a financial notion, used to describe the process of the buying of a small company by a larger one. For example, if a company A acquires a company B, only the company A remains in the market. An acquisition can be realized through the purchase of all shares or all assets of the target company.

Definitions by Oxana Koshova (biology)

Microbial fuel cells: principles of organization and prospects of use

Extended definition

A fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device which produces electricity from various external quantities of fuel (on the anode side) and oxidant (on the cathode side) in the presence of an electrolyte. Fuel cells are different from batteries in that they consume reactant, which must be replenished, while batteries store electrical energy chemically in a closed system. Additionally, while the electrodes within a battery react and change as a battery is charged or discharged, a fuel cell's electrodes are catalytic and relatively stable. Therefore, fuel cells can operate virtually continuously as long as the necessary flows of the reagents are maintained [1].

Sentence definition

A microbial fuel cell is a device which converts chemical energy to electrical energy by the catalytic reaction of microorganisms [2].

2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microbial_fuel_cell

Definitions by Vika Brovarska

Vika Brovarska, A-13


Sentence definition

Capital [капітал] – accumulative resources or work, which is included in processes of reproduction and growing up the cost by conversion of his different forms.[1]

Extended definition

Capital – accumulative resources or work, which is included in processes of reproduction and growing up the cost by conversion of his different forms.

Capital could have not only materialized, but incorporated forms. It means that capital could be realized in separate peoples and between people’s relations. Capital has three states according to subject:

· embodied state – whole steady reproductive dispositions and demonstrated abilities, which the proprietor has;

· objectified state – adoption by capital materialized, visible forms;

· institutionalized state – objectivated forms the recognition of capital as a resource. It could be formalized in rights of property, certifications, ranks, etc.

[1] Радаев Вадим Валерьевич. ПОНЯТИЕ КАПИТАЛА, ФОРМЫ КАПИТАЛОВ И ИХ КОНВЕРТАЦИЯ. Экономическая социология. Т. 3, № 4, 2002. С. 20-32.

Defenitions by Yana Hrybovska

Sentence definition
Ethnographic group
is a community of people whose members identify with each other and share common culture, traditions, and customs.

Extended definition
Ethnographic group
is a community of people whose members identify with each other and share common culture, traditions, and customs. It is a detached part of a nation that has distinctive features in its culture and way of life (specific dialect, material and mental culture, religious beliefs). Such groups are usually formed in a process of assimilation of foreign groups or due to the confluence of different tribes into one nationality, if such tribes preserve some specific traits. They also can emerge when a part of a nation is separated from its main body for a long period of time. Characteristic feature of an ethnographic group is the recognition of it by others as a distinct group. In such a way, an ethnographic group is a specific group within the nation that differs from the rest of it in some cultural aspects.

Definitions by Mariana Soroka

Mariana Soroka
Political science
Group 13

Sentence definition
European Union a political and economic community of European twenty-seven member states that has common government and population about 456 million of people.
Extended definition
European Union a political and economic community of twenty-seven member states that is situated mostly in Europe and has common supranational government. It traces its origins to the European Coal and Steel Community formed in 1951 by the Treaty of Paris among 6 countries: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg. Then it was changed into European Economic Community. Since that time, the European Union has grown in size through the accession of new member states and has increased its powers by the addition of new policy areas to its remit. In 1993, the Maastricht Treaty established the current legal framework. The main features of EU: single market, which supply freedom of movement of people, goods, services and capital; common trade policy; common currency; agricultural and fisheries policies; regional development policy and foreign policy.

Definitions by Kateryna Glevatska

Usage of Carbon Materials in Medicine
Sentence definition
Activated carbon is the rigid-porous carbon material, which has a large sorption capacity.
Extended definition
Activated carbon (activated charcoal) is the rigid-porous carbon material, which has a large sorption capacity. Activated carbon consists only of carbon atoms, which are compounded in hexagonal structure, and forms layers. Layers of activated carbon are not perfect and have a lot of defects (pores). Activated carbon has a big amount of pores in its structure which cause high value of specific surface area. Due to this unique characteristic, sorption capacity appears. Therefore, activated carbon chiefly used for purifying by adsorption.

Definitions by Fedir Baior

Management of organizations

Health services organization managers
Sentence definition
Health services organization managers are those individuals appointed to position of authority who direct the efforts of others, are responsible for utilization of resources, and are accountable for specific work results in health care field of activity.

Extended definition
Health services organization managers are those individuals appointed to position of authority who direct the efforts of others, are responsible for utilization of resources, and are accountable for specific work results – can be proud of their organizations and what they do. They are part of a distinct profession with the unique obligation of providing health care. As a result of efforts of health services organization managers is a providing better health care service. It is not to say that all is well, or the health service delivery could not be better. Rather, it is to that things are not nearly as bad as some critics claim.

Definitions by Lyuba Mykhaylova

Lyuba Mykhaylova, group № 13

Sentence definition
Mass society is the term which signifies the society that appeared as a result of technological era, urbanization, and expansion of the mass media.

Extended definition
Mass society is the term which signifies the society that appeared as a result of technological era, urbanization, and expansion of the mass media. The sociological theory of mass society was formed in the end of 19th century in the works of Alexis de Tocqueville, Gustave Le Bon, Gustave Tard. The term represented the part of society (mass) in contrast to the elite. In the 20th century the theory was developed in the social philosophy of Frankfurt school (Max Horkheimer, T.W.Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Leo Lowenthal, and Erich Fromm). Mass society signified a society of alienated individuals held together by a culture industry that served the interests of capitalism. Also mass society was interpreted by Ortega y Gasset, E. Canetti, G. Guatari, S. Moscovici.

Definitions by Anna Tretyak

Utopia (in literature) – is a fictional genre that describes ideal society.

Utopia (in literature) – is a genre of fiction that shows an ideal social structure. In Greek this word means “no place” – a place that does not exist. This word was first used by Thomas More in his work named Utopia, 1516. Than it became a genres’ name for works that imagine non-existent ideal society or present new political structure that can lead to the ideal society like Plato’s The Republic. As antithesis for utopia appeared dystopia – a fictional genre that describes society that suffers from utopical experiment made on it. Authors of dystopical fiction show that utopia can be good at theory but bad on practice. The examples of dystopia are works by George Orwell Animal Farm and 1984.

Definitions by Victoria Boiko

European integration

Sentence definition

European integration is the process of political, legal, economic, in some cases - social and cultural, integration of European states, including some states that are partly in Europe.

Extended definition

European integration is the process of political, legal,economic, in some cases - social and cultural, integration of European states, including some states that are partly in Europe. It can also be named a process, where countries voluntarily share their sovereignty based on the rule of law in order to achieve the common task. In the present day, European Integration is primarily achieved through the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and the European union seated in Brussels and Luxembourg. There is no fixed end result of the process of integration. Integration and enlargement of the European Union are major issues in the politics of Europe, both at European, national and local level.


Theorising European Integration: revisiting neo-functionalism and testing its suitability for explaining the development of EC competition policy?
McGowan, Lee, 25 May 2007

Definitions by Mykola Sioma

Sentence definition
Orpheus was a legendary musician, poet-magus who had mysterious powers over nature.
Extended definition
Orpheus was an ancient musician which possessed supernatural capabilities. The power of Orpheus extended beyond the creation of song to the building up of a world, because the sphere of his activity was governed by an identity of word and being[1]. Therefore to say and to create for him was the same. In one history about Orpheus is talked, that he was put to death by women who were in a trance: they cut off his head, but it continued to sing[2]. It is also known that there was a religious cult in antiquity which was related to the names of Orpheus and Pythagoras[3].
[1] Bruns G. L Poetry as Reality: The Orpheus Myth and its Modern Counterparts // ELH, Vol. 37, No. 2. (Jun., 1970) – P.264
[2] Мартин Уэст. Орфические поэмы // Пер. С англ. А.С. Кузнецовой и Е.В. Афонасина. – P.4. http://www.nsu.ru/classics/plato/West.pdf
[3] M. Owen Lee. Mystic Orpheus: Another Note on the Three-Figure Reliefs // Hesperia, Vol. 33, No. 4. (Oct. - Dec., 1964) – P.402


Definitions by Iana Zborshchyk

Intellectual capital is the group of knowledge assets that differs a company from others similar organizations in the same industry.

Human capital is a component of intellectual capital, which refers to the knowledge, skills, and experience that employees take with them when they leave a company. The main function of human capital is producing innovations (product, technology, markets, equipment, and organization structure). Human capital increases in two ways: 1) a company uses a maximum amount of workers knowledge; 2) a maximum amount of the employees possesses knowledge that increases company market value. The index of human capital is an amount of new production in total output.

Definitions by Daryna Vashchenko

Sentence definition
Motivation is an internal process that makes a person move toward a goal. Motivation, like intelligence, can not be directly observed.

Extended definition

Motivation is an internal process that makes a person move toward a goal. Motivation, like intelligence, can not be directly observed. The process of motivation can be initiated by someone recognizing an unsatisfied need. A goal is then established which, it is thought, will satisfy the need, and a course of action is determined which is expected to lead towards the attainment of the goal. People can be motivated by rewards and incentives, which will enable them to satisfy their needs or will provide them with goals to attain.

1. http://www.sparknotes.com/psychology/psych101/motivation/section1.html
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motivation
3. Helen Murlis, Michael Armstrong Reward Management: A Handbook of Re-munaration Strategy and Practice. p.29

Definitions by Vitaliy Grodskiy

Gr. 1

Sentence definition

A search engine is a hard- and software complex, which is designed for searching information and react to the user’s query by giving out the ranked set of links, which are relevant to the query.

Extended definition

A search engine is a hard- and software complex, which is designed for searching information. The main part of the search engine is the database, which contains information about the known web-pages. The process of definition of the revelation of the web-page to the query uses the different algorithms, which analyze the content of the page (the key word frequency, the usage of key words in the important parts of the document (heading, title), and some others) and external factors – the number and quality of the links on web-page, the description in catalogues, and so on.

Definitions by Tetiana Kurtova

Tetiana Kurtova
Group 1
Extended definition
on the topic: “Fraud in insurance and ways of its elimination”.
In legal practice term “fraud” means: deception; intentional introduction in an error or concealment of fact which has a substantial value, with the purpose to lead other person to conclude or to hold back from the conclusion of treaty. Simultaneously, fraud in insurance foresees infliction of loss of insurer or insure during a conclusion, implementation and stopping of agreement.
Fraud is the variety of economic criminality, the result of which is laying hands on other person’s property or other financial values by the way of deception, breach of people’s trust or their insufficient knowledge with a current legislation which protects rights for users.
Fraud in the financial field is the most mobile type of shadow activity, that quickly change the spheres of action and priorities of development. The rates of distribution of fraud to this day pass ahead the rates of forming of legislative base which must resist his development. Exactly such situation is a characteristic for fraud in insurance business.

Sentence definition
on the topic: “Fraud in insurance and ways of its elimination”.
In legal practice term “fraud” means: deception; intentional introduction in an error or concealment of fact which has a substantial value, with the purpose to lead other person to conclude or to hold back from the conclusion of treaty.

Definitions by Anna Malakhova

Malakhova, Anna
Extended Definition

Family abuse is a deliberate act of violence effected by one member of the family towards another one, including forceful detention, that violates the rights of the victim and results in physical or psychic injury or places one in reasonable fear of serious injury. Abuse is also a forced control of one person under another. It can be not only actions or threats, but also presence when such actions or threats take place (for instance, child witnessing father’s violent actions towards mother).
Ukrainian legislation defines four types of family abuse. It is physical, psychological, sexual abuse and neglect of child’s needs.

1. Мурашкевич А. Домашнее насилие: как защитить ребёнка. – Луганск, 2004
2. Family Violence Glossary – Available from http://www.sandiegofamilyjusticecenter.org/info/resources/family-violence-glossary
3. FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 – Available from http://www.austlii.edu.au/
4. Закон України Про попередження насильства в сім‘ї. Закон вiд 15.11.2001 № 2789-II – Available from http://zakon1.rada.gov.ua/cgi-bin/laws/main.cgi

Sentence Definition

Teenager is a person between the ages of 11-12 and 15-17; an adolescent.

1. Консультування сім’ї: методичні поради для консультування батьків. – Частина 2 / За ред. В.Г. Постового. – К.: ДЦССМ, 2003. – 303 с.
2. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th edition, published by Houghton Mifflin Company - Available from http://www.answers.com/topic/teenager

Definitions by Valentyn Danylyuk

Valentyn Danylyuk

Economic Theory

Consumer Behavior

Gr. 13

Sentence definition

A brand is a selection of assets (liabilities) which is linked to a trademark that adds to (or deduct from) the value provided by a company, a product, or a service.

Extended definition

A brand is a selection of assets (liabilities) which is linked to a trademark that adds to (or deduct from) the value provided by a company, a product, or a service. A brand is an accumulation of perceptions in the mind of the consumer. Usually brands are registered (trademarked) and protected by law, so cannot be used freely by other parties. For many products and companies, branding is an essential part of marketing. In the field of marketing, brands originated in the nineteenth century with the advent of packaged goods. According to Unilever records, Pears Soap was the world's first registered commercial brand [1]. A brand is not a product, a service, or a company. A brand does not exist in the physical world - it is a mental construct.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brand_name

Definitions by Tetyana Salata

Salata, Tanya, A-13

Social Work

Sentence definition

Training is a method of modification a common humans’ behavior, which realizes by forming new knowledge and skills of self-knowledge, communication and interaction peoples in a group.

Extended definition

Training is a method of psychological human’s development. Training is a kind of learning, but is not a lecture, and a seminar. Training means active interaction between all participants, include trainer. Training has a theoretic part, in which a trainer gives new information, but more time participants train new knowledge and skills on practice. There are several components that are necessary in training process: training group (from 5 to 20 persons), trainer (a person, who organize training, but does not take the main role), training circle (participants sit at circle, which means that each of them has an equal ability), groups’ rules, a structure of training, and interactive methods of learning.