
How To Use i.e. And e.g.

Here is a guide on using i.e. And e.g. In everyday sentences correctly. 

Step 1: E.g.

E.g. is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase exempli gratia, and is used instead of the phrase 'for example'. It is used to clarify a preceding statement. I love playing sports, e.g., football, cricket, tennis and rugby To make sure that you use e.g. correctly, especially if you don't speak Latin, it may help to remember that it is also the initials for 'example given'.

Step 2: I.e.

I.e. is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase id est, and is used to clarify a preceding statement by restating the idea more clearly or expanding upon it. I can't decide which colour crayon to use, i.e., there are so many wonderful colours to choose from. Again, for the non-Latin speakers out there, to make sure you use i.e. correctly you may want to remember that it also stands for 'in effect.'

Step 3: Grammatical issues

For both e.g. and i.e. there are a few grammatical issues you should remember in order to use them properly. Make sure you use a full stop after each letter, they are abbreviations after all. Either one can be used to start a sentence. Use a capital letter for the first letter and remember to follow it with a comma. They can also both be used in a parenthetical statement; again remember to follow with a comma Finally if you're using either one within a sentence, and not in parentheses or at the beginning, make sure you precede and follow it with a comma.

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